Freedom of information

Freedom of Information

The ACT Freedom of Information Act 2016 (‘FOI Act’) provides a right to access government information.

Freedom of Information Disclosure Log

Under the FOI Act, the Commission is required to publish a disclosure log listing all access applications received.

The application, decision and any released documents can be viewed on the Disclosure Log below.

Date of publication in disclosure logCommission access application reference numberInformation requestedDecisionGovernment information givenFees (paid or waived)Time (hours) spent on applicationReview status
17 January 2022F21-0001

'1) Consider this a Freedom of Information Request - I require the complete documentation of all officials and staff that you have met with or corresponded with , in regards to the scandal involving the SLA and the EPSDD and the Rage Cage Scandal. Including Appendix A filled out . I will not be paying for this service and require all the information complete and unredacted.

2) I require a filed Appendix D for my records.

3) I require the process steps for a Appendix E final decision action.

4) I require the 80 odd questions answered from the Dispute Brief Questions to Ms Zoe Robens dated 1/10/2018 and Addendum and Financial that your office holds.'

Access refused in full.N/AWaived Commission not notified of any review
17 April 2023F21-0002All records created during this assessment and include all notes, minutes etc by the assessment panel.Access refused in full.N/AWaived3Commission not notified of any review