After an investigation is completed

After an investigation is complete

Following the conclusion of a corruption investigation, the Commission must prepare a report of the investigation ('investigation report'). An investigation report may contain findings, opinions and recommendations, and reasons for those findings, opinions, and recommendations. An investigation report must not comment on the prospects of a prosecution. The Commission may, at any time, refer a matter to a prosecutorial body, including the Director of Public Prosecutions.

The Commission may also:

Certain information relating to a completed investigation may also be published in the Integrity Commission’s Annual Report.

The Commission must keep the reporter (where they have not reported anonymously or asked not to be kept informed) informed if a corruption investigation is discontinued or completed.

Following the conclusion of a public interest disclosure investigation, the investigating entity, or the Integrity Commissioner (where applicable) must notify the reporter (where they have identified themselves) of the outcome of the investigation, including when the investigating entity has decided to end an investigation. The investigating entity, where it is not the Commission, must notify the Commission that the investigation has concluded and provide all other relevant information. The investigating entity must action any findings which arose out of the investigation and report what has been done to the Commission, including information as to the protection processes put in place.