Our role is to strengthen public confidence in the integrity of the ACT Government by preventing, investigating, and exposing corruption.

The ACT Integrity Commission deals with reports relating to conduct that involves corruption, maladministration (which is substantial mismanagement) or conduct that poses a substantial and specific danger to public health or safety, or the environment. The Commission also oversights the application of the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2012, ensuring that whistleblowers are protected and their information is investigated.

Reporting to the Commission

Any person is able to make a complaint to the Commission about conduct that may be corrupt conduct by a person or organisation that is covered by the Integrity Commission Act 2018.

Certain persons have a legal obligation to report conduct that they suspect on reasonable grounds is serious or systemic corrupt conduct.

Any person is also able to report disclosable conduct to the Commission, in accordance with the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2012.

Click here to make a report to the Commission

14th National Investigations Symposium

14th National Investigations Symposium 28 to 29 May 2025 banner

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